Yeşim Ağaoğlu

She was born in Istanbul in 1966. Lives and works in İstanbul.

Sometimes, the last things that we can send to our beloved are only
tear and a kiss, unfortunately. In other words, a last good bye…
After our losts, what falls to our shares (especially shares of women)
are mostly elegising loud or silently and draining melancholy, missing,
misery and love onto the hankerchiefs, making marks on them.

Even on our modern world, believed in its improvement, wherever
we look we see relentless, ugly wars which flare up and are mostly
declared by men with various excuses, where women scream silenty, as
in the primitive ages.

In this work, I have put goodbye kisses on ordinary paper tissues
and napkins everyday (approximately for 5 years) as if actualizing
a ritual performatively. My work has the characteristic of a requiem
for everyone, our far away, long-awaited, lost people for any reason,
especially died in wars rightly or unjustly. In case, there is not right or
unjust in the wars, as there is no winner. Everyone is looser.

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